Monday, November 21, 2011

Pretty impressed by the system improvement

Recently, I have a Client from New Zealand who's POEA accreditation has expired already and is up for renewal. There are new documents required and my Client was able to provide all of these. They have been such a great Client for years now, they take care of their people and none of the recruits we have placed were asked to pay for any fees concerning their placement. Now this is one of the many (I hope) employers we Filipinos would like to work with, aren't we?

And so the renewal began since PNI International has to get all the Telecom Engineers we recruited on board our NZ client before Nov 28 for their training will commence the following day..And to my surprise, the POEA system has improved, they make it easier for good employers to go through the needle! I am glad!!! And so I think the new administration of Carlos Cao Jr. is actually working!

I am excited for the 22 Telecom Engineers who are leaving for New Zealand soon to show the Kiwis what the Filipino people can do! They will be able to send a good amount of money to their families, and sooner can migrate to New Zealand and help other Filipinos live better lives!!! I am pretty sure MOST Filipinos would want to give back to their Country. And so I am hoping that we will give back together to our country and to the Filipino people by helping our Country attract more Foreign Investors, promote Tourism and inspire many Filipinos to make a mark all over the world in their own fantastic way!!!

I am PROUD to be a FILIPINO!!!

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